
Hold Me Like You Do



3 Years
Extra large
01-22-2015, 02:37 PM
She would respond simply to his touch, raising her head slowly as she nuzzled in against him. She would hum softly as he kissed away her tears, seeing how distressed she was would cause a soft whine to slip from his own lips. He would always be by his sister's side, no matter what happened he could never leave her. He would always be in the shadows ready to be there when she needed him. Like now. Her soft sobs would continue as she found her broken voice telling him what had caused this distress. She was leaving.. who was she? He'd take in her scent with the lingering smell of Dione and would make the connection with out having to make his sister try and explain more.

He knew of his sister's relationship with the woman, and he might have known her were it not for the pups she'd just birthed. She had been intended for his teacher, but now she was going away and the boy would not learn his poisons. Ellis's meager knowledge in such a category was all he'd have to go on. A disappointment, but he was sure his emotions were nothing compared to Mercy's. He wouldn't bother her for anything, only holding her and softly reassuring her with his affections.

Eventually her tears would subside, blinking away the tears she would look up to him even finding a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. He'd return the smile, his bright yellow eyes showing his pleasure in seeing her smile as she leaned in to kiss his cheek. "I'm so lucky to have you, Revenge. I love you," Pale ears would fall to his skull as she said those sweet words, his tail wagging lightly as she kissed his white fur. "I love you Mercy, and I won't ever leave you." There was one wolf he could be completely confident around and it was Mercy. For her he could do anything.
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