
I'll tell you my sins


01-22-2015, 06:05 PM

She would leave her home, crossing the borders without looking back. She wanted to get away, to remember what it was like to be free, to not have any obligations. Her memories would drift, thinking back to the beginning, when she first arrived her. Spats with her brother, only to made up by mind blowing sex. Meeting Taurig and carrying his spawn. Finding recruits to build up her army. Meeting Kylar. She would smirk. The disdain he had held for her that day. The day they had admitted their true feelings for each other. Giving birth to Basanti. Reclaiming her throne. Everything it all flooded her mind. And nearly very step of the way, Kylar had been beside her, supporting her. But now, now it seemed she had lost him forever. He had been silent for months, rarely showing his face, or even leaving the den for that matter. On the days he did leave, he did nothing but pace around the borders, wearing the earth away beneath his paws.

A sad sigh would slip from inky lips, her gaze downcast as she navigate the ravine. Moonlight would peek through the trees, teasing her already silver pelt. A light breeze would ruffle her coat, tangling the thick hairs. Her trial hung casually above her hocks, head crown level with her shoulders. Muscles would cease movement when toes gripped the edge of the ravine. Her gaze would land on the seemingly bottomless pit. She stood absolutely still, unmoving. Silence would fall around her, relaxation slipping into her bones. She longed for the good ol days. When her Kylar ran the pack together, found more trouble than anything else, fought endlessly, but still made up. In her mind, it all hung in the balance of not knowing what would happen next.
