
You got the bullets, I got the gun



4 Years
01-22-2015, 07:05 PM

After the slow arrival of the remaining members of Arcanum, the Queen would begin to spill the details and announcements their minds needed to know. There was news of Solstice, now disbanded. She gave an unsurprised snort, agreeing with Cataleya's remark of the cowardly leaders. Pantheon had also landed under Arcanum's watchful eye, although this hardly took her interest. Promotions would soon be passed around as Aerndis and Skadi rose as the pack's lead fighters. A low, barely silent, growl of annoyance would vibrate through clenched jaws. The woman shot a sharp and swift glare at the two promoted females. If only her slowness had not interfered with her actions. The position could be hers and yet it wasn't.

However, Arcanum was in need of hunters and an open position laid for a lead hunter. She would not want to displease her ruler by letting such an important matter slide, even if fighting and war was more her style. She was unsure if she would gain recognition and respect as a lead hunter but if she could, the position might be her perfect opportunity. The thought was tucked away in her mind as she intently listened to the rest of the Queen's speech.

Arcanum's standings with Imperium seemed to be strong as Cataleya spoke of an upcoming tournament in the late spring. There were to be spars and a hunting feast between the two kingdoms. Did the warrior see this as another opportunity to improve her loyalty?

"I also believe this tournament will be an excellent event." Vocals would raise in a cold tone. No other wolf happened to want the position of lead hunter and so it would be hers straight for the taking. Again, there would be no begging in her words, only a smooth and fluent wave. "I would be more than willing to take the rank as Comte. Any test I am prepared to undertake. "


[Image: 4LyHbab.png]