
Like a feather on the sands. {Aldoro}



5 Years
01-22-2015, 08:02 PM

A loving, and absolute look of utter happiness had swept over the snowy colored doe with haste, finally settling into her look of complete and total contentedness and sweet expression. Optics at a glow with lavender pouring from them with a sweet, elegant light. She yearned to touch him and in turn vow to never let go. All these past seasons going in and out of infatuation, looming danger, and of course loneliness had all been pushed behind her, and she felt like for the first time in a long time that she was able to move forward, and this time with a male she could officially call her other half. Someone to spend the rest of her life with.

Upon her moment of brief light headedness, her fear of feeling scared had disappeared all together for she knew she was in safe hands. His words flowed into her auds with an abrupt awakening, bringing her back to the realization she was not as stable as she had thought. Thirst had quenched her throat for a while now, hunger cramping her belly yet she hadn't the time nor energy to facilitate her basic needs. Though with this looming dark cloud above her, she still felt her eyeline had cleared, and that she could once again clear the fog, and it all had to do with the man standing before her, supporting her effortlessly. Upon catching herself the doe continued to keep herself close to him prior to finally peeling away to speak. Optics closed gently as she smiled with his coy affections. Upon hearing his words she grew sleepy once more. "Oui... That may be a better idea." White eyelashes fluttered to clear her lavender gaze and she met his with a softness.

She lifted herself and watched him as she slowly turned to walk away, waiting for him to stay close, at least wanting him to notice her silent request to do so, the petite doe carefully stepped over the terrain with a careful step, each movement more beautiful then the prior, all halting in their place, waiting for her love to join her side.

"Speech" Thoughts