
Ma Lumi�re

Gargoyle I


06-02-2013, 05:00 PM

[Image: gargie_recokoning_by_kidrylm_writer-d63xnxj.png]


Gargoyle rarely ever had time to catch a bit of shut eye. As Alpha it was natural that he be the last to curl up in the den at night and the first to crawl out of it, but often times he was organizing night patrols or off being a sentry himself - particularly with.... well, with recent events. He didn't remember the last time he'd had a full night of sleep. Even when he did get the chance he had pups bouncing along his spine. All of this the wolf reminded himself as he laid out on one of his favorite sentry perches above the pack cave. He told himself he was only a mortal, he could be allowed one tiny little doze.

And when he'd finally, finally settled in... that was when his dang flanged howl broke out.

With a sigh and growl, Gargoyle tried to sleep again, telling himself it was only his brother. Rogue could wait. But then he caught Crusade's voice, and Mahniya's scent as she started up. This was getting to be a regular family meeting. Fine. He'd come.

As the great wolf came bounding down the tail end of the mountain slope, he did so in sluggish leaps. His yellow gaze had flickered back to it's normal, alert state, however, as he reached the bottom - especially when he heard the words coming out of his crazy brother's mouth. "Dog gone it Mahniya, why'd you have to go and do a thing like this. A lady with your brains? Certainly you can do better."

In most wolves, statement like that would've been accompanied by a twist of the head or a grin or a chuckle, but this was Gargoyle, it was delivered, slate-eyed and steel-jawed. He was the sort that tended to be dead pan even when he wasn't trying. His family of course, knew all that by now. He caught Crusade's loving but disapproving eye before training back onto his brother.

"But tell me Rouge, what secret news are you holding?"
