
I'll tell you my sins


01-22-2015, 09:54 PM
Still riding on the high of his recent victory over the newest addition his mind felt oddly clear, light and… well… clear. He had to find Cat. In his time of sanity it was all he could think to do, he needed to see his wife. He had searched the pack lands first, hit up all her regular haunts but nothing. It wasn't until he took time to patrol that he would catch her scent as it left the pack territory. For a moment he would stand staring out after her before setting off after her without another thought. Who knew how long he would keep a handle on his own mind, might as well get it all out in the open right off the bat. It wasn't overly hard to find her, she wasn't trying to be sneaky or discrete about her pace but instead just out for a walk. He would catch up with no effort, longer legs closing the distance between them in a few strides before he would slow slightly and fall into stride behind her. Head would drop lazily, attempting to land so his head was draped over her spine. "I wanted to keep them close you know…" He would mutter, would she know to whom he was referring?