
I'll tell you my sins


01-22-2015, 10:02 PM

The sound of his familiar steps would reach her ears, though she didn't acknowledge him until he touched her. His touch would burn like fire, scalding her flesh as soon as he made contact. But she wouldn't flinch. Gravelly tones would invade her ears, immediately registering just who he was talking about. There was only one wolf of importance to him that she had expelled from the pack. Colten. He wanted his grandson close, but for what. "Well isn't that a shock." Toxic words dripped from her lips, falling like stones. She would not turn to look at him. He had refused to have anything to do with her over the past few months, neglected his duties as alpha, husband and father. But he wanted to keep his grandson close? Hackles bristled as she felt anger began to brew deep in her belly. Perhaps she could just push him over the edge and into the ravine so that she could be done with him. Eyes burned with unspoken emotion, though she continued to keep her gaze averted. Ears pulled back against her skull. "Perhaps you should join him then." Words left her lips in a hiss. Lips twitched, threatening to curl into a snarl.
