
On The Road Again


01-22-2015, 10:03 PM
He had actually come searching for Colten to chat but after a while of poking around Arcanum lands he had found that not only Colten was missing but Amarant as well… More time was spent searching until the beast would pick up Coltens scent. Along with Ekko's and a… Child? For a moment he would lift his head from the scent, sure he had read that wrong but no… A newborn. Acidic gaze would narrow before he would set off after the scent, easily following it past the boarders and to the lake. He heard the wailing shrieks of a child before he would hear the sounds of the boy's talking. He arrived in time to hear Colten explain everything to his brother and for a moment Kylar would freeze. Jesus christ… He was a great grandfather? The man would push forward, appearing out of the foliage, head and tail lifted in dominance as he stared down his nose at his grandsons before turning his gaze to the elderly woman who had seduced his grandson. Was it her way of getting back at him for imprisoning her? "Where will you be going? I would suggest Ludicael or Imperium. But maybe going back to your uncle would be a better option…" Kylar would say to his grandsons though his eyes would never leave Ekko and her whelp. He was torn… He wasn't sure what he wanted to do in this situation. But more then anything he needed to know where they were going and that they would be safe.