
I'll tell you my sins


01-22-2015, 10:22 PM
She would not say anything for a long time as he came to stand with her, head dropping on her spine as he stared out at the ravine with her in silence for a time. But then she would speak and immediately his eyes would narrow and his head would lift, breaking the contact between them and narrowing his eyes dangerously. "Are you saying you wouldn't feel the same if I had done that to your grandchildren?" He would say easily, tone dangerous as he took another step back and looked around for a minute. He knew he deserved her hatred but she had been hard on his grandkids ever since he had come home with them and now they were gone. Yes they were safe but they were gone from his immediate vicinity. She would speak again and Kylar's lips would curl back, hackles raising as he allowed a growl to rumble up his chest. "Them. Both of them are gone and I don't even know why. What the hell did they do to you? Are you just mad at me and are taking out on them or is it something else?" No emotion filled his voice, just a hardness as he studied her from the distance he had placed himself out.