
On The Road Again


01-22-2015, 10:30 PM
Kylar would not take note of Colten's protectiveness, would barely notice his grandson had placed himself between Ekko and Kylar. But as Colten spoke Kylar would snap his gaze back to his grandson for a short moment before snorting and stepping forward. She was asleep, wrapped around the tiny bundle pressed into her belly. He would study her a moment longer before looking to move past Colten to get to them. As he moved to Colten his acidic gaze would snap to his grandson. "I feel fucking old and I blame you…" He would mutter, a soft smile touching his lips, the only sign he would give his grandson that he meant no harm before attempting to move to get a closer look at the newborn. "There used to be a pack in these lands. I know of a few dens if you want to stay here for a few weeks. Its close enough I can come when you call. Amarant if you wish to leave I will deal with Cat." Kylar would rumble, eyes flickering to his black grandson. He would miss these boys. "Have you named him?" He would ask softly.