
I'll tell you my sins


01-23-2015, 12:10 AM

His anger would flare once more. His moved into her path, blocking her escape. Her cool gaze would tip up towards him as he shoved his chest against her own. She would stumble, unprepared for his sudden assault. He would press onward, forcing her back. Claws scrapped against the ground until there was nothing beneath her. First her hind end would give away beneath her, causing eyes to widen as she began to tumble. A startled cry would leave her lips. Refusing to go down alone, jaws shot forward, grabbing a hold of the front/side portion of Kylars neck. Fangs sunk into fat flesh just as she slipped over the edge. Together they would tumble down the ravine. She would bounce off trees and rocks, bones fracturing, flesh opening.

She would hit the bottom of the ravine with a thud, her entire body throbbing. A low whine would leave her larynx. She didn't move, eyes closed, only her sides rose and fell. Even breathing hurt. Blood matted her chest, a large gash stretching from shoulder to shoulder. Everything hurt. Fractured ribs. A gushing chest wound. She didn't even try to move. By the time her eyes slide open, she was so disoriented she had not idea where she was. Without moving, she would look around, trying to remember where she was and how she got there. Limbs would pull beneath her in an attempt to sit up, but as soon as she moved, pain shot up her left foreleg and across her ribs. Sinking back down, she would flex her remaining limbs, finding them all working. Vision blurred, her mind swirled as she desperately tried to put the pieces together.
