
On The Road Again


01-23-2015, 12:22 PM

His uncle would mutter about feeling old, a soft smile tugging at his lips. It was a enough to cause the boy to relax. His grandfather would provide some helpful knowledge about dens in the are, in which he would nod in acknowledgement. He would inquire about his son, wanting to know the newborns name. "Cohen." He would state. His brother would speak, stating that he would deal with Cat instead, joking that she would miss him. Lips twitched in faint smirk but Ekkos snarl and Cohens cry would snap his attention back to them. Angry words fell from her graying lips, fangs exposed in outrage. She would ready to fight. Wanting nothing more than to soothe her worries, he would rush to her side, seeking to press his shoulder against her own and his nose to get cheek. "He's not going to hurt us." He would murmur gently, eyes searching her face. He would seek to place a soft kiss on her cheek before looking back at his grandfather. Everyone wanted to go back to Rune, his brother included, but he wasn't so sure. "We all need to rest." He would hunt that he wanted his family to have some peace. He would find them a den so that Ekko could rest, but they would be leaving here tonight.

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