
For love of family



7 Years

01-23-2015, 01:57 PM

His eyes went down to his legs as Lark stuck close to his side, looking up at him and asking who it was and why she was at their den. He opened his maw to speak, but Motif beat him to it and said that she was his aunty. He nodded his head, pressing a gentle lick to the top of the boys head. "That is your Aunt Motif, and the darker woman coming up beside her is your Aunt Rhythm. They are my sisters, which is why they are your Aunts," he explained, grinning at the darker boy. He was rather blunt and out there, but he loved it. It was good to speak your mind, even if you got into a bit of trouble because of it. Starling came out next, also lingering close to his side as he stuttered out a small hello. He moved over to press his nose to Starling's cheek, trying to encourage the boy. They hadn't met many other wolves just yet, and this was the first time that there was two new wolves to be introduced to.

His gaze left his children as he heard the soft coo of his wife's voice, his adoring gaze taking in the young goat that she had caught. His smile grew on his maw and he was about to say something when a little white bundle raced from the den, swinging around Wren's leg to come to rest under her limbs. He couldn't help but chuckle at Finch, she seemed to be lost whenever her mother left the den. Surly that habit would break when she got older. Winking at his wife, he looked down at Finch and stuck his tongue out at her before his attention was pulled to Shrike. His laughter was booming as his more energetic son raced forward, not a care in the world as he said something about a party. "We still need your other sister before we can call it a party," he said with a chuckle, eyes scanning the group for Sparrow. It was hard to lose one of them with so many of them running about.

Bass looked over to his sisters, picking up on the sad aura that surrounded them. His smile vanished as he gazed at them both, knowing exactly what they were thinking about. The boys that Motif had lost. He let out a small sigh before looking down at the kids, forcing another smile on his lips. "Aunty Motif has a little girl too, but she went off on an adventure for a little bit. She will be home soon, and then you will have a little cousin to play with!" he said, trying to bring about a smile on his sisters faces. Motif asked all the little ones what their names were and he fell silent, allowing them to introduce themselves.