
Got those jet pack blues



7 Years
01-23-2015, 03:49 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2015, 03:54 PM by Amalia.)

The girl was laying in the den, her red head resting against the belly of Bac as she pulled Vitus to her belly. She let out a relaxed sigh, trying to wiggle her head even further into the boys soft belly fur, legs trying to wrap around Vitus. Tib was at her back, tucked in under her tiny frame. This is when she was most content with life, when she had her boys by her side. She would be even happier if her wife was here to share in the cuddle times, but it was fine just the way it was. She loved these boys with all her heart, but she really wished that she had a girl to groom and love on. The boys seemed to get embarrassed when she tried to give them little cat baths, but she couldn't help it! She had so much love to give and so little outlets to express it all it. She loved very hard, which is why the news that Athena brought would crush her pure soul.

When the silver woman's voice called out for them, her head snapped up from her boys belly. She could tell that something was wrong, no matter how hard she was trying to hide it. Carefully unwrapping herself from her adopted children she made her way out of the den, steps slow at first until she saw her wife's face. Ama's paws ate up the ground between them. She didn't take notice of Talvi at first as she pushed her red face into her wife's coat, breathing in her scent. "What's wrong my love?" she asked softly, pulling back as she searched Athena's face. Her blue eyes cut quickly over to Talvi, finally noticing the blue woman. She offered a tiny smile before her eyes went back to her lovers face, concern written all over her features. What on earth could have made her perfect woman look so distressed?
