

Marina I


7 Years
01-23-2015, 05:36 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Keno
Age: 22

Character's Name: Marina Agatsuma {Goes by Rainbow Syndrome}
Character Age: 2 Years
Season of Birth: Autumn
Adult Height: 38"
Appearance Description:

Rainbow is a miniature behemoth. While she is no dire wolf, she stands over many of the large males and females of Alacritia by just a mere two inches. Her frame is solid, sturdy, with a fair amount of muscle for a lady without making her overly bulky. The female weighs in one hundred sixty four pounds that fills nicely across her frame. Delicate curves reveal her hips, and beneath thick, shaggy fur lay a multitude of hidden scars. Rainbow has a certain beauty to her, but it is not pure beauty. Not like a model, surely, but perhaps it is her reddish-pink eyes, such an expressive window to her very soul, that captures a creature.

The majority of Rainbow’s body is coated in a mix of black and white. The black coats the majority of her middle frame like ink while the white highlights her undercoat, paws, ear tips, and tail tip. Her tail is devoid of any color other than the monochrome colors with the most intricate part of her coat laying across the top like a blanket or cape.

Red, Rainbow’s favorite color, caps her head almost like a hat with holes for her ears. Orange covers the back of her neck, while yellow drops down onto her shoulders. Lime green extends over her back and down her sides, followed by a shade of aqua and finally a bright purple. Pink colors the insides of her ears and finally her nose and paw pads are black. It is no understatement to say that Rainbow is colorful, and this she wolf bears her colors with pride. She is no coward, and she will let the world know it. The only way to live, and die, is by the strength of your own paws.

Proof of Purchases:

Height Purchase
Open Character Pass