
A Whale's Song



06-02-2013, 06:03 PM

She was convinced that he was of decent character. No they hadn't exchanged much in the way of words, but all of his actions were saying he was a pretty respectable wolf. Maybe she would be able to call him friend. From the way things were going, she was getting to think she would enjoy his company. He was incredibly polite, which was a nice change in pace. She was happy to see that her friendliness was not wasted on this wolf.
She was bestowed the knowledge of what he called himself quickly after she lent him her own name. Cherokee. Interesting to say the least, she'd never heard of another with that name. A purr escaped her as he proceeded to bow for in her response. This boy was surely going to make for an interesting friend. "Well then mister Cherokee, would you like to join me on the beach?" She didn't really wait for a reply before she stood once again, her nose pointed in the direction she needed to be taking to get back to her packlands. She wasn't really ready to go back.
She wanted to spend more time in the company of this stranger first. She also wanted to fulfill his request in a conversational partner. Not that she was very good at small talk, but she didn't know anything aout him. There had to be something they could talk about. Her blue and gold eyes rested once again upon his large form. "Have you ever been near the ocean before?" She let her words find his as she took off towards the shore. She longed to submerged herself in the salty water, but she refrained. A run along the beach was sufficient. She barked at Cherokee to follow her, maybe she could start a game of tag.
She hoped he wouldn't think her immature for wanting to run around. With a quick glance behind her she tore over the sand happily. The spray shooting out from under her paws. He didn't seem like he could be too much older than she was. She stopped momentarily to see if he actually hed followed her. Hopefully he wouldn't run into her with her quick stop.
