
If They Knew How Misery Loved Me



2 Years
01-23-2015, 07:19 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2015, 09:09 PM by Drashiel.)

For now is my grief heavier than the sands of the seas… This world has emptied me of all but the oldest purpose: tomorrow's life.

Hollow and lost the former king had buried his crown with his wife and stitched himself together as best he could.  As much as Drashiel may have wanted to lie down and let the world pass he still had a family to raise and he would do his best to be strong for them.  However, he knew he could not do it alone.  Providing for pups without a pack would be impossible and so he consigned himself to being under another's rule.  However, there was some hope.  Drashiel didn't mind being ruled by a wolf he respected and luckily he had just the man in mind.  

Drashiel paused to take yet another tally of the pups.  Narcissa hung from his jaws as he counted that everyone else was coming along.  One, two, three, four, and Narcissa was five.  Good.  When everyone was accounted for then he would continue until they reached the borders of Imperium.  Gingerly Drashiel set Narcissa down and tipped back his head to how for the alpha, wincing suddenly and causing the howl to be cut off short.  Shaking his head he coughed violently almost certain that a few of his ribs were cracked.  He couldn't bare to stay in a land that had caused him so much pain.  Blood caked his left side where three long gashes had ripped through the flesh along his rib cage.  The greatest wounds he'd suffered in the battle but certainly not his only ones.  At least the kids were safe.  That was all that really mattered to him anymore.
