
natural cause



5 Years
01-23-2015, 09:16 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2015, 09:22 PM by Nagendra.)

Also by meee
Having escaped the frigid grasp of the north, Nagendra drifted with the winds towards warmer weather. He strolled for a day or so, taking his time, for he had plenty of it to spend. Eventually he came to a lively place – or at least, it probably was in the summertime. For now, the grasses in the clearings were brittle golden husks, and the trees thrust naked branches into the pale sky like claws, scraping repentantly at what they could not reach. This place too, had been bitten by the chill of winter. It was still warmer here than the snowy stretches of the north though. And plants, dead or alive or dormant, were a welcome sight. Perhaps he would find something to eat here too.

The brown wolf carried on for a short while longer, smiling a faint, crooked smile as he observed all that there was to see. This was a lovely change. A bit further ahead, he noticed water. Even better! His smile broadened, and he stretched his neck a tad to try and see better. He was getting quite thirsty… Another minute of time was all that lay between he and the creekside, and soon enough he’d halted by the edge. It was at that time though, that he noted that farther along, there seemed to be more. More tendrils of water, breaking apart from a main body upstream. His brows lifted with interest as his muzzle swung from left to right, casting his vision downstream with growing curiosity. Far, far down, the land sloped a tad, and he could not quite see what was at the end. But the distant roaring of water tickled a memory in his brain, and answered his questions. ”Hmm,” he hummed aloud with interest, if only because he had grown desperately tired of silence (at least, of the verbal sort) over this past day. With new goals in mind, he took a quick sip from the river and then proceeded onward, toward the ocean he now visualized.

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1. natural cause Postlogs 11:44 AM, 01-23-2015 11:55 AM, 01-10-2024