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9 Years
01-23-2015, 10:34 PM

It was all very overwhelming. Arcus had known for a while that his parents would send him and his siblings off when they grew older, but he always wanted to believe they would change their minds. It was a silly thought, given the three were of the third litter, but it was one he hoped for tremendously. Yet now, here they were, following a wolf that claimed to be an older brother. Time to move on with life, he supposed. At least they were there for each other, and he was certain Solaris and Selíni were struggling with this just as much, if not more, than he was. That thought was enforced as he noticed their glances toward him. A small smile would rise up in response to Selíni's grins, but he would fall back to his usual blank expression wick enough. Small nods would be sent toward Solaris at every glance. If nothing else, he wanted to make sure they were reassured he was there for them, that everything was going to be alright.

As they walked up the mountain, Arcus was lost in thought. From what he knew, it was likely he would see siblings he had not seen in a year again. That reunion would be heartwarming, of course, but he felt that it would be hindered by the thought of their parents. Light blue eyes stared onward as they approached and other siblings showed up. Arcus remained still, quiet, standing at his full height and merely observing. He wanted to express how happy he was to see them again, but right now, he was too lost in his own mind. He did not move forward to greet anyone just yet, instead remaining to the side, staying in the background.
