
once upon a dream


01-23-2015, 11:00 PM


A small smirk curled at his lips as he looked the little brown woman over, his dark-tipped ears twitching in acknowledgment to her words. Her markings were far more delicate and subtle than his own, but they were certainly beautiful in their own right. She was so much smaller than him, shorter by at least a foot. He was certainly used to others being smaller than him, but it never stopped fascinating him. Smaller, more delicate ladies were always the most beautiful in his eyes. Although, as beautiful as she was, his eyes kept getting drawn back to her own uniquely colored eyes. While his coat was his main focal point, he thought hers might be her eyes. He had never seen such a mix of colors before.

"Oh yeah? And just what kind of cares could a pretty little thing like you have?" he asked as he settled onto his haunches, settling in among all the flowers around them. As snarky and over confident as he was, he still held a deep seeded concern for others so when he asked about her cares he might have said it in a pompous tone, but his vibrant gaze showed how truly curious he was. He wondered if she would tell him, with him being a stranger and all. Oh well, if she didn't it wouldn't be any skin off his back.