
Go ahead, give me hell



5 Years
01-23-2015, 11:15 PM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2015, 05:06 PM by Anais.)

Walk | Talk | Think

Anais could not believe it. She was almost to the place and yet it still had not fully sunk in that it was really happening. She was going to meet Glacier's family. The elusive, secretive bunch that he had taken so many pains not to mention or bring attention to in order to keep them safe from any sort of harm. She was going to meet them! It had startled her almost beyond words when the deep blue wolf had mentioned it, making her eyes go wide and her jaw to nearly fall slack before she realized she was supposed to be answering him and not staring at him in such blatant disbelief. Of course she had answered yes - how could she possibly turn down an offer like that! - and excitedly she had followed after him as he led her along the path that he took from his home to hers.

Somewhere along the way, however, excitement had given way to nerves. She knew nothing about them save the little that Glacier had alluded to - things that included the vastly different preferences that each held as well as a single brother named Voltage - which was not enough for her to go off of and make any sort of assumptions before she arrived. She was walking in blind, right into the midst of a bunch of strangers who were likely as protective about their brother as he was of them, and she was nothing more than an outsider. Would they tolerate her? Would they feel threatened by her arrival? Would they welcome her among them or possibly find fault in her? The poor girl's thoughts were all over the place as she trailed along beside her mountainous friend, and the closer they got the more it began to steal the brightness from her face and replace it with open worry.

By the time they entered the family's home location and he offered her a small warning, she could only manage a half-hearted smile and a jittery chuckle before he called for them, the noise sealing the fact they had arrived and there was no turning back. I'm meeting his family. Her ears slowly turned to tuck against her head, her eyes watchful and looking for any sign of the wolves that Glacier claimed as his siblings though she had no idea what they would look like and whether or not they would hold any striking resemblances to the glacial giant beside her. The suddenly timid, grey and gold girl tried to be strong, to be brave and stand on her own, but felt the urge to shrink in on herself as she waited. Rather than doing so, however, she chose instead to sidle closer to Glacier, moving to stand shoulder to shoulder with him as she glanced up at him with an anxious smile, "I'm nervous."

OOC: Arin has requested that Voltage get to reply first, so if you all don't mind waiting on him to show up that would be awesome. c:
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.