
With Eyes Wide Open



7 Years
01-24-2015, 12:43 AM

The woman cried out, telling him that she didn't know how to help. She then came to his side again, falling on the earth and nuzzling him where ever she could touch. With every soft nuzzle he felt himself crack further and further until the man was sobbing. He pushed back against her, needing to feel all the love that she was offering him. He no longer cared that it might mean that she got hurt, he just needed to feel. Something, anything. He had been empty for so long and hiding himself away for so long, that his true mind had been denied this emotion for so long. He was oh so broken and torn apart, that he just needed this more than he realized. So he wiggled even closer to her frame as his tears spilled on her golden coat as he wrapped his head around her neck, trying to pull her even closer as he wept. She appologized again and again, asking how to help. But that was it, he didn't know how this could be helped. He didn't remember the process that he had gone through last time, but he needed out. Now. Gently his lips would tug gently at her fur, sloppily just looking for more attention. "I just need out of this. I cannot handle this thoughts, they are driving me mad," he whispered, his whole body shuttering.

It wasn't long before another came into the scene, and he stiffened somewhat until she referred to the wolf before him by name. He loosened his grip around the woman as he looked up at the newcomer, his golden eyes pleading. She promised that they would take care of him, and asked if he was hurting. Lebrah touched his paw to his chest, signaling to what was inside. "It hurts here," he whined, tears still pouring down his face. "I need to get back, I have to get my mind back," he knew that this woman probably had no idea what he was talking about, but it was so hard to explain. "It hurts so much!" he cried, wrapping his head back around Anais as his body shook. He felt like rocking his body back and forth until this was all over, his thoughts slowly pushing him to the edge of madness.