
Hold Me Like You Do

Mercy I


5 Years

01-24-2015, 03:45 AM
She seemed to have taken for granted just how much her brother cared for her. He was her rock, always a sturdy thing to lean on and yet... She had still pushed away. Maybe it was her fear of losing those close to her, or maybe she was just blind. Purple eyes took in his sweet features now, his smile making her own grow. It would seem that he could even take her greatest sadness and turn it into something grand. He told her that he loved her too, and that he would never leave. Mercy bit her lower lip to quell the tears that threatened to fall once more, ears pulling fully back as she took in his wonderful features. "I'm so sorry for leaving the first time..." she whispered, a soft whine leaving her lips. Her head lowered as she once more cuddled her large frame into his form, long tail sweeping across her belly. She never felt this good unless Revenge was at her side -- he truly was her better half.

A shaky sigh whistled through her teeth, eyes stinging from the amount of tears that had fallen. Her thoughts went back to Dione and the fact that she was dragging her kids out of the pack. It must be hard, to move a large family like that, she couldn't imagine doing it herself. But is that what it took to be a good mother? Her body quivered slightly, spine arching against her brothers belly at the thought. She wasn't close with either of her parents, and now the only other woman she was close with wad leaving as well. Did this mean that she was doomed from the get go? "Do you think I will be a good mom?" she asked suddenly, eyes staying closed as heat rushed to her pale cheeks. It was a bit of a strange question to ask, but she had to know what he thought. He was the only one that mattered, the only thing constant in her shaky life. Plus it wasn't like she wad planning on having kids any time soon, it wasn't even possible yet. But the thought had entered her mind, and it wasn't an easy one to just shaky off. Finding strength she rolled over to her back, head resting against Revenge's paws as her purple eyes opened to search his face. She wanted to see his thought process, even though she knew that he would be honest with her.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.