
Áki's sister



01-24-2015, 11:39 AM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2015, 02:49 PM by Visitor.)

Name:  Valpuri Jarvela ( Means 'salvation of the slain in battle' )
Gender:  Female
Age: 4 years

A true neutral character, the titan does not lean toward law or chaos, good or evil.  She usually is level-headed, and able to make good choices.  Yet one weakness she holds is that she is rather self-centered and selfish.  The decisions made are usually ones that will benefit herself in the best way possible, but some exceptions can be made, especially for those she actually has come to trust and even love.  There are few that the woman does hold close as friends, and even fewer as actual family.

There always has been a part of the titan who has longed for some sort of adventure, a way to get away from what is known and go into the unknown.  This more independent and free-spirited side appeared when she discovered of her brother's disappearance, as well as her dauntlessly loyal and respectful side for him, among some others, including elderly wolves.

Other:  Áki and this girl could have been close friends and siblings, and they both got bored of tribal life, so they left in search of adventure or better conditions of living.  Or perhaps even, she was supposedly bethroned to another tribe's male, and expected to follow through, but she ran away after she found out Áki left, so she could find somewhere else to live and be free of authority and laws.  |  We've already been chatting, and my name's Lucy.  :P  I can handle her 42" height, but I may need assistance when it comes to Alessia's markings, if they require any gems.