
Sindri vs Maximous



2 Years
01-24-2015, 07:33 PM

Blood burst around the puncture wounds her teeth made in the meaty outer side of Maximous' left shoulder. Given that he'd simply lowered himself instead of trying move out of the way, the bite wound was directly above the place where she'd attempted to bite into his elbow. Her lower teeth sank into the center of (the meaty outer side of) his shoulder and her top teeth dug into the crease that separated his shoulder from his ribs. Finding this hold to be valuable, Sindri attempted to keep it,  aiming to not only tighten her grip on the flesh she'd managed to grab, but to shake her head vigorously from side to side in the hopes of furthering the damage and forcing her opponent to submit.

Her shoulder throw was successful and for her efforts, Sindri would later have a mild bruise across the forward facing part of her left shoulder to deal with. For now it simply stung, something that, given the adrenaline coursing through her, barely registered.

Teeth came from above; the brute's jaws managing to ensnare a large portion of the scruff on the left side** of her neck just below her spine and centered horizontally between the base of her skull and the start of her shoulders. Given that her chin was tucked and her shoulders rolled forward (a combination that loosened the skin of her neck), Maximous only managed to grasp loose skin and fur, and create moderate puncture wounds.

As soon as Sindri's left forepaw hit dirt she attempted to lift it again in the hopes of trying a second time. In doing so her paw met Maximous' left forepaw mid air, the brute's toes smacking the tips of her toes harmlessly. The contact stung, but that was the extent of the damage. A split second later she attempted to slam her left forepaw down on top of Maximous' left forepaw. If she could sandwich it between her paw and the ground, she was hoping that his toes would pop and pain would flood his senses, hopefully blinding him to what was happening. Through this her weight stayed distributed among her other three limbs.

To complete her attack, Sindri attempted to shove forward again, seeking to drive the bony front of her left shoulder into Maximous' newly lowered left shoulder. The aim was to strike the forward facing part of it - bone against bone - and cause a fair amount of pain.

Through this her defenses remained rock solid. Her stance was wide and her knees bent, each limb (minus the attacking left forepaw) ending in splayed toes. Sindri's head stayed low and her tail stayed stiffly out behind her, a combination that kept her spine in ridged alignment. Along her back her hackles stood tall. While she hoped her face was out of reach, the fae kept her eyes narrowed and her ears flattened just in case. To keep her scruff loose and useless between her opponent's teeth, Sindri was careful to make sure her shoulders stayed rolled forward and her chin stayed tucked.

Round TWO of TWO

OOC: Confirmed with Secret that she meant the left side of Sindri's neck, not the right.