
Pride Rock [open]

Caesar I


01-24-2015, 08:24 PM

The wolf laughed at him, which further pushed his anger. With one big jump he tried to give himself one last launch up the beast, but not before the wolf rose to his paws and jumped off. The strange creature he was standing on growled at the movement, and Caesar jumped off of it, spinning around as the huge male hit the earth. Caesar had to look way up, and he swallowed sharply at the sheer size of this man. He was like a freaking mountain! Damn... maybe he had picked the wrong fight. But no, they were rather close to the den, and when the wolf jumped off the tractor it brought him even closer to his family. His green gaze looked passed the stranger for a moment, knowing that they were a little too close. So Caesar quickly ran around Valentine, trying to bring himself near his rear so that he could push the fluff butt further away from his litter mates. The alpha boomed at him, telling him to kick his fluffy butt. So with a growl, the boy hoped that he had made it around the mountain wolf quick enough that when he jumped up to bite his butt, it would still be there. Caesar tried to chomp his teeth into the males rump, on the right side. It wasn't really kicking... but he hoped to get a grip on his butt. His limbs flailed wildly as he sprang up, trying to kick at anything that was close. He was gunna make this big guy move away from his family, no matter what! Only he could irritate and bug them, and this dude was even bigger than his father was! And if he did make him run away, well then he could be sure to brag to his brother and sister.