
Sindri vs Maximous



8 Years
01-25-2015, 08:00 AM

Blood ran down his left leg annd with ever jerk of her head Sindri had ripped the flesh on his shoulder a bit more each time making het hold slightly less valuble. The more her teath ripped through flesh the less flesh there was to hold though his shoulder blade would go no where making her assault quite painful. In all the pain in his shoulder, his elbow would be forgotten.

His paw hadnt missed hers but he had caused no damage to her either as he had just clipped her toes with his in mid air. His mouth however filled with blood as he grasped the looser skin on her throat...sure he could toss her around with it but he had come up with another plan.

She would force her paw down once more and he would attempt to move his paw out of the way but he hadn't been fast enough as two of his toes had been smashed. Max would let out a half growl half yelp and push himself back up to pull his toes free. Imeadiately after that she would push herself into him and he would push back though her shoulder would hit him in the elbow again his would hit a bit higher should everything go to plan he hopped it would hit her in the base of her throat.

To complete his atrack max woulld pull his head back, effectively letting go of the loose skin and aiming for the side of her head/face. Here, should he get a decent hold. Could rip ears or crush the bones, where her bottom jaw meats her skull togeather to cause severe pain or even break the lower jaw. But this was a spar not a battle for his life so he wouldnt break it even if he got that good of a grip.

Defense: he moved his paws and raised himself back up to attempt to keep her from stomping on his toes andd hitting his shoulder again (in doing so his elbow got his and only two toes got smashed) his ears are still flat and his tail is still being used for palance

Damage: Round 1: His elbow is bruised from taking her shoulder to it and he has a bite wound to the shoulder leaving it bloody. Round 2: the wound on his shoulder has been ripped further, the two outer toes on his left front paw are throbbing and bruised and his elbow has been his again.

Attack: he stood up and forced himself into Sindri at the same time she did. She his his elbow brining him down again so he should hit her at the base of her throat. He also released the hold he had to bite down on the left side of her head/face.

Maximous vs Sindri for spar
Round 2/2

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)