
Spot Light On Me & I'm Ready To Break!


01-25-2015, 07:08 PM

If she was in a daydream, she didn't want to be released from its hold. She watched the vibrant woman as she rose from her side of the pool, admired the way her fur danced as she waltzed towards her, playfulness and lust evident in her gaze. Pandora's heart silently hammered faster, desire for the other slowly building up inside of her. She hadn't been with another individual in a long time and to have the chance so willingly walk into her was too perfect!

The stranger walked up to her right side and then around her, taking in the physically appealing looks Pandora possessed. Words that sweetly coated the desire coming from the woman reached Pandora's ears and she felt goose bumps rise and fall across every inch of her. Curiosity rang true in her gaze as she watched the female assess her, taking her sweet time and clearly enjoying it. "Mmmm. I was looking for a miracle, something to change my course in life..." A warm smile rose on her lips as she quietly added, "Who knew that I would find it so soon."

The woman then mentioned her malnutrition and her smile faded. A sigh slipped from her lips and she met the woman's gaze as she came up to her other side. "Unfortunately not." Immediately, she thought of Fendar and she missed him. If only she had accepted his invitation to join him in Ebony, she would have properly been looked after...but alas, she had been too headstrong to submit to the idea. "I have yet to meet the wolf...or wolves...who could properly take care of me." Scorpion had filled her head with the possibilities, but it had never happened with him, either. Alas, her long stream of lovers had proved to be sort of disappointing.

At last, the woman had a name. Pandora's golden-backed ears perked to her title and her smile returned to brighten her features. "Pleasure, Serefina Elementas...Pandora Selene Artenie." She raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow to the woman as she felt the claws run down her foreleg, but did not object. Instead, she softly trembled beneath the touch, but the movement was not a great one. Her lips played with a smirk and she looked over Serefina with a glowing stare. "What brings you out here, of all places?" she quietly asked, luscious tail moving behind her to sweep a deserving breeze in her direction.

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