
Pride Rock [open]



4 Years
01-25-2015, 10:51 PM
Ceasar seemed so eager to go and take this stranger with him, his determination to leave breaking her heart as she looked back up to the man who wanted him so bad. She hadn't expected the outburst he'd give her. The words stung, many of them were true but she had been trying for her babes. Isolde was an awful mother, but she loved them so much more than she'd ever expected to. Some of his words held truth, but she was not abandoning her child. He wished to go, she could not stop him no matter her own wishes. She would take his verbal abuse, her gaze shifting to her son as he came to defend her.

As the small boy spoke she'd find her feet, he really was ready to leave them. She would lean into his tender touch, a moment of sweetness in her boy she rarely was able to see. Why was this man so upset at her? Why did he insist on taking her son? Did he not see the hopelessness of her situation, she could never hope to win against his mountain of a self. Another whine would leave her, but her voice would regain it's strength while tears streamed down her face. She knew not where Soliloquy might be, but he would save her and their son. Wouldn't he? Despair plain on her features as she tipped her head back, desperate for him to be at her side. "You can't take him." She would say defiantly, her own hackles bristling. If Soliloquy didn't hurry though he'd find her battered body waiting. "He's going of his own free will." A growl would be added now, her defiance building. If he stilled wished to fight she would, to at least prove to Caesar that he was not worthless, and that she deserved the love and affection he'd shown her.