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6 Years
Extra large
01-26-2015, 02:34 AM (This post was last modified: 01-26-2015, 02:43 AM by Glacier.)

Glacier and Voltage, the oldest of the litter stood together as they introduced the newest refuges of their family to their new home. He grinned at Volty as he mentioned two of their sisters, and it seemed that that mention brought at least one of them to life. He turned at the sounds their sister made, shaking his head subtly in amusement as she spoke. He was sure part of the game was to cheer Voltage up and for that Glacier was grateful, he knew it effected his sibling far more easily then it did himself – to be near their home again. As for their siblings themselves, he was glad to be able to see them again, and concentrated his energy more on ensuring they would be okay then on hate for what had happened to them all.

He lowered his head slightly when Sere when she used his own body to support herself so she could bring her head to his height and kiss him on the forehead. He nuzzled her affectionately back, “I brought young blood, did I not - purely for your entertainment, my Great Burning Goddess” he teased gently, winking at the young ones to allow them to share in the joke – even if he was pretending they where lambs served up for sacrifice. He would give her a gentle kiss beneath her ear before she was off again, her short span of attention taking her away.

Terrae had appeared well he was occupied with his sister and he smiled at his earthen brother, through he said nothing as his eyes moved back to the young ones to see how they where taking everything in. he knew they asked a lot of them, to accept this strange new environment, but hopefully they could see that here they would be surrounded by family that loved and welcomed them unconditionally.
What he would see what half of his sibling (an exaduration) hanging off Voltage, he would allow a warm, encouraged smile to take over his lips, as the Selini began to allow herself to naturally join in with the rest of their family, and he hoped it was the start of them all to allow this place to feel like home.

"Burn Baby Burn"