
Valentine's Day Puppies!!



3 Years
01-26-2015, 11:33 AM (This post was last modified: 01-29-2015, 08:45 AM by Fenrisúlfr.)

Name:  Luck Destruction

Rather small for her parents, the girl will emerge as a fragile little being, only to grow to be twenty-nine inches tall.  She will be like a butterfly, light as a feather and graceful in all ways.  Her figure will be thin and streamlined, instead of a strong or bulky shape.  Her body will be sculpted from curves lined by luciously soft fur, yet some muscles will show.  These tendons will be visible on her legs, lightly hinted by movement, and otherwise difficult to see.  Her chest is narrow and rather sharp, as are her should and her back.  Her face will be well sculpted, with a slender muzzle and somewhat large ears set onto the base.  She is not in any way strong, but quick and light.  At her healthiest, the girl will only weigh a light eighty-nine pounds.

In her lucious locks are colors taken from both of her parents.  A dark base of pure chocolate is inherited from her father, with darker socks and a tipped tail.  Smaller and less visible points of chocolate appear on her cheeks and rump, as well as fading out the tip of her tail and her 'blanket and mask'.  Some marks do disrupt the harmony of darkness with white chocolate, taking after her mother's side of the family.  A mask of the color begins at her pointed nose, extending up her snout and curling about her eyes.  Two eye dots of chocolate contrast against her mask, as well as small wings beneath sharp and clear orbs.  In her mask, two bright sky blue eyes sit, always full of emotion and never guarded.  Lining the mask is are smaller light hairs and dark hairs mottling her mask.  The insides of the butterfly's ears are also similar to her mask in appearance, light hairs surrounded by dark chocolate.  Upon her back, a blanket similar to her mask forms, draped over her back, shoulders, and a little bit of her fluffy tail.

"People tell me I'm really timid and cautious...  But it's a good thing!  Right?  There's so many bad people out there, so many monsters that want to eat me and my brother, Fate.  I don't really like to talk.  I'm always afraid I'll say the wrong thing...  or I'll get held against my word.  I don't want any of that!  I don't feel like I should be someone to be taken as a leader or someone who's supposed to help with something really bad.  I lie so much...  but I always get caught.  I'm just so afraid...  that people will dislike me...  that I'll be killed.

"There is a good side of me...  Uh.  To my family and really anyone who isn't a mean person, I am loyal to a...  what do they call it...  a T.  I would really die to save everyone that I know and love, even if I fear death by anything.  I always look up to mommy and daddy to lead me and teach me everything I need to know, I look to my brother to guide me, too.  I want to grow up to be just like them, a strong and powerful princess!  Or even a queen!  The legend of Fate and Lady Luck is no myth!  We could make it a true story if we wanted!

"Anyways, I really find it hard to trust people...  that's what others tell me.  Too many bad things can happen if you put too much trust in someone that you don't know.  I don't want to be a fighter...  I don't want to ever fight.  I'd rather be a healer or a hunter...  maybe both.  But how can others trust me when I don't trust them?  I just feel really useless or...  I just don't know..."

Luck's a timid little girl, likely looking up to her mother or other female leaders as a role model.  I'd like for her to stay in Threar until she dies, meet cute little boys and use Fate as her sword and shield, since she's afraid of almost anything that moves.  Luck will be very clingy and close to her brother, whether he likes it or not.

Roleplay Sample:
She didn't like this place.  She didn't even know how she had gotten here!  There was some scent here amongst...  these huge trees.  It was oddly familiar.  Maybe it was a family member!  Determination masked the fear of the small child as she weaved between mangrove after mangrove.  However, it was short-lived.  Something was making a scary noise.  RIBBIT.  RIBBIT.  RIBBIT!  The pup squeaked, scrambling toward the cover of the nearest mangrove, writhing inside of the trunk.  "G-go awa 'cary monsta!  I 'ave a brubba who'll eat chu!"

Whatever the monster was, it had heard her warning, the noise ceasing.  The chocolate-colored child tentatively stepped out from the great hallow, peering at the murky water.  It was so dark and green, yet so mesmerizing.  There was some blue little things swimming around it.  A paw swiped at the water, collecting some algae in the process.  Yelping, the pup leapt back, trying to escape the monster now eating her paw.  "I-I'll eat chu!"  Leaning down, the pup sunk her teeth into the soggy green clump, ripping it off in triumph.  It tasted absolutely atrocious.  The butterfly spit out the green into the water, oblivious to the fact that the monster had begun to make a noise again.  The pup squeaked as she looked over, a slimy green fish-thing sitting next to her.  "A f-froggie monsta?"  The child was mesmerized, captivated by the creature.  The moment she reached out to touch it and feel the slimy skin of it, it took a great plunge into the water, sending a large splash after it.  "Nu!  Froggie!  Don't goooo!"  It could have been a friend! Mournfully, the pup slithered back into the hallow, her fear of being lost coming back. It ebbed in, and she began to panic, searching fervently for a way to know how to get home. A small yelp escaped the little girl, as she began to race through the trees.