
I Gave You All



7 Years

01-26-2015, 08:49 PM

Bass grinned as the brown boy made his way to the den, tail wagging as he called him out. He could see the love in his eyes, and resisted the urge to race forward and cuddle the boy. Lark showed his love in a different way, affection was not his love language. So he sat on his rump as he beamed at his son. "I thought that we could spend some time together, maybe do some hunt training if you're up for it," he said softly, pale tail thumping steadily against the earth. He had yet to teach his kids anything, and the man was very eager to teach them the ways of the world. The man stood and stretched out his muscles, a yawn parting his jaws. Shaking out each limb he couldn't help but nuzzle Lark's left cheek, a chuckle slipping from his maw as he walked passed his son. His ears spun behind him to listen to see if the boy would follow, he hadn't given him that much of a choice though. He was quite sure that Lark would follow though, how could he turn it down? Plus it would just be the two of them, surly a nice break from all his crazy siblings.

Bass crept slowly through the plains, dropping low as he walked silently on his paws. Turning over his shoulder to see how Lark was doing, he winked at him as he took a few more steps. Pausing, Bass dropped his pale body even lower to the earth until the long blades of grass tickled his belly. Extending each leg in a slow creep, he walked slow enough so that Lark could see how he was doing it. Pausing to sniff at the air, he picked up the scent of a few minks. The slinky creatures would be fun to practice on, they were fast and hard to see. A hard prey, but it was no fun to start with something easy. Looking back at his son again, his smile was soft as his voice dropped down into a whisper. "Do you smell that, Lark?"