
Houston, we have a biter



2 Years
01-27-2015, 01:47 AM

Flopped on the ground listlessly, like a ragdoll, Trei's green eyes stared with a certain thoughtful vacancy into the distance. Shadows of thoughts swirled though his eyes. He wished Daddy were there... Sirius and Integra tried, they really did, but it felt like something perfect had shattered with Mama's death and the pieces just kept scattering further and further. Daddy had been broken and... different, since Mama died. If that's what love was... he never wanted that. Never, ever. He didn't ever want to be the broken shell Daddy had become. All he wanted, so desperately, to do was to fix Daddy, to make him happy again, to see him smile and play...

A squalling ruckus sounded, dragging his attention to Sirius and Integra and three strange pups - they looked kind of like the big male who'd let them into the pack. Well, the one looked pretty much exactly like him, but the other two looked kind of that way too. Siri had bit the big boy on the nose, and Trei's muzzle twitched in something resembling a half smile. You go, Siri. Show those big dummies.

But Bellona stalked past him, made a snotty noise at them, and flounced off with her tail and nose in the air as though all of them were piles of poop, and Atreides raised his head to stare incredulously in her direction. Seriously? He shot to his feet, but refrained from sticking his tongue out at her in front of these strangers. Siri was outnumbered and being attacked by the big screeching girl, someone had to do something, and if Bellona who was supposed to stick up for them didn't well he would.

Channeling all his recent pain and hurt and abandonment into a fierce little puppy snarl but otherwise wordlessly the young boy piled in, running head-first at the blue boy who until now had been uninvolved in an attempt to headbutt him in the side. No one got to pick on an Armada, no one!
