
Can you fill the silence



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-27-2015, 02:42 AM
Hati Hróðvitnisson

It took... a really fucking annoyingly long time, but a white male finally appeared to stop before him. This must be Bass Destruction... why else would he be here to get in the way? Aggressively Hati shook off his mask and attempted to close the distance between them down to a few short feet. "Damn right I called." The male's weirdly polite manner put his back up. Like seriously, the guy obviously heard him call or he wouldn't be here - why waste time with the small talk. "You're Bass Destruction. I'm challenging for your sister, Rhyme... wait no... Rhythm. I'm challenging you for Rhythm." He showed his teeth in a fierce snarl, no longer impeded by the skull. It felt freer and yet... too open. Too bright, the moon. It made his blood boil, his fangs burn... He didn't want to wait for the other male's response. He didn't want to hear it.

Heavy body set itself - the weight settled evenly on all four of his limbs, his stance widened slightly in a bulldoggish manner for the balance, knees bending for better shock absorbency. His toes spread, thick nails clinging to the earth for better grip. His head lowered like a bull's to the level of his shoulders, tail rising to an equal level and his shoulders rolled forward to bunch his scruff in a protective roll over his neck, chin tucking toward his throat to protect the delicate area beneath his jaw. Jagged black hackles rose in a spiky ridge along his back and neck, ragged ears pinning back against his head. His eyes narrowed - something he'd proven the importance of with the near miss that scarred the skin around one. For good measure he wrinkled his facial skin in a snarl to bunch the skin up more and provide added protection.

The leash slipped, and Hati's muscles bunched and released like a coiled spring as he attempted to hurtled himself forward head-on to the alpha. They may be nearly the same size but Hati had something Bass did not - nothing to lose. Shifting his weight to his hindquarters he attempted to push off with his forefeet and lift himself into a rear before he judged they would collide. Bringing his right shoulder forward he attempted to slam the front of the shoulder down at the point where Bass's neck met his left shoulder with all his weight behind it in the hopes of badly straining the tendons that held the shoulder in place.

As he did that, hoping his rise would put his head above Bass' and with his muzzle already tilted forward to protect his throat... as his weight attempted to come down and forward from his shoulder attack, he sought to bring his head smashing down as well, aiming the ridge of his forehead - the front of the skull between his eyes and his ears - seeking a collision with Bass' left eye socket in an attempt to fracture the arch of the eye socket. It would cause mild bruising on his forehead, but there wasn't a lot of muscle to bruise worse than that and the bone there was a lot thicker and stronger than anywhere else on the head - Daeg always said he had a thick skull...

Simultaneously with both other actions Hati, as he attempted to drop his weight down, aimed to press the paw of his left foreleg against Bass's right foreleg at the point exactly where the leg met Bass' chest, and at the same time to straighten his left leg stiffly in an attempt to shove Bass' leg sideways and unbalance the alpha as Hati forcefully tried to bring his weight down on shoulder, and head, and leg all at the same time.


Round: 1/?

Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
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