
Pride Rock [open]



3 Years
01-27-2015, 06:18 AM
Destructions were not slaves. They had been regarded lower than they ought to have been before, back when he had resided within Uroril. It seemed like an age away and whilst greatness they deserved hadn’t yet been sought out by the family, those within the range had a decent enough life. They had never been slaves and never should be. The same rule he was certain applied to Isolde’s blood as well, she had been born a princess after all.

What was this man’s problem though? Was he incapable of filling his pack with willing followers that he just had to go out and steal others? Or perhaps he simply was desperate for a family. Soliloquy’s may not have been your typical family, but they were his. This man here, pack and big fancy title or not, had no right to try and take them.

Before he could respond however he’d find himself rather impressed with his son. Caesar of course was too small to fight this big butt, though the attempt to protect his family certainly didn’t go unnoticed. His son had a tendency to be nothing but a pain to them all though evidently family loyalty was already far stronger than he had realised. Had he a chance to enjoy the moment he would have done though of course he couldn’t leave Caesar stood there thinking he could fight plus there was someone else suddenly turning up. Oh joy.

He scoffed aloud at the woman’s suggestion. For starters clearly she hadn’t met his children, they weren’t exactly the easiest bunch of wolves to control not that he would voice such a fact out loud just yet. "Molded? It’s pretty clear where his loyalty lies to me." Whatever the result, Soliloquy made a note to inform Caesar just how proud he was of him but for now there were other matters to deal with.

Isolde wasn’t much of a fighter, he’d never seen any demonstration of fighting from her to prove this fact though by her shaking form it was rather evident that she was not in her comfort zone right now. There were two wolves here though, and with Isolde out, Caesar too small no matter how determined it meant that he was on his own here. Unless of course Scorpion appeared, his brother would certainly help to fight though doing so would put him, Othello and Orchid in danger, it was a risk that Soliloquy wasn’t going to take. Whatever the outcome, Soliloquy was going to minimalise the damage. Besides, there was a chance that if Shakespeare and Colette stayed away that they might be able to remain free, Valentine didn’t know their family tree after all for all he knew Caesar could have been their only kid. Of course he didn’t know that earlier in the conversation Caesar had already revealed their existence.

"Me and you." He made his own demands for the wager now as he moved forwards, pushing his son back out of the way. He would not be getting hurt. "Mummy-dearest over there stays out of it and Isolde and Caesar will not be touched." Of course to be honest he wasn’t sure he could take the word from either of them, perhaps that was more the reason he wished his brother here, someone else to watch and make sure no harm came to either of them. "Or are you too scared to fight alone?" Hopefully that would help to secure the deal.