
Your sentences rose high



5 Years
01-27-2015, 06:23 PM
It feels good to finally have some good news to share with her pack. Frith's thoughs appeared to have be true after all, that life did continue. As she had told Aslan though, she would never forget her parents, would always miss them. There were still so many wolves here that needed her though, and she needed them too.

They began to gather, her children first and surprisingly Hecate silently joining at the back as well. It was good to see that the timid girl had attended though Novella still worried for how fearful she was. It truly would be slow progress though the pack was certainly full of kindly wolves. Sorrel perhaps wasn't the greatest example of that, a rather quiet boy himself though even he would speak to Hecate now. A surprising yet appreciated fact. Was her nephew finally coming out of his shell?

Finally once her little pack had gathered she glanced around happily at them. "Morning all. I have some good news for you today." She informed them as she started the meeting. "Firstly, we are slowly growing in numbers through wolves joining." She cast a brief glance to Hecate now though didn't linger, under the impression that the girl wouldn't want to be put in the spotlight. "But the pack will grow again very soon as Frith and I are expecting our second litter." She paused to let that news settle in, she was sure there would be congratulations later from Legend and likely Féli as well.

"The new season isn't just bringing new life but promotions as well. Legend has now taken the Action rank." She would glance to her brother, the biggest promotion certainly though not the only one. "Félicien and Sorrel, I would like for you two to move to the rank of Chapter. I trust you'll be able to help our new Prologues reach the same goal one day." Féli had certainly proven helpful already, Sorrel possibly needed a little more encouragement himself though maybe this new rank would help.

"Many of you know that we are allied with Abaven, though we recently acquired new allies in the North. The wolves of Glaciem; they may visit us and equally I'm sure their alphess Odette would welcome you to visit them as well if you ever fancied the journey." She would pause again now, leaving Frith to add anything if he needed to say anything and of course for her pack to say anything they wished.