
Can you fill the silence



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-27-2015, 08:30 PM
Hati Hróðvitnisson

His attacks missed, all but the shoulder, and the instant his forepaws touched down between Bass' own forepaws his body readjusted itself on instinct. His weight distributed itself equally to all four paws once again, his joints bending as they absorbed the impact of his landing and staying bent. His toes spread wide and his nails dug in as the paws kissed the dirt, and he rolled his shoulders forward to bunch up his ruff. His tail lashed back to the level of his spine as his head dropped back down, having missed it's target, to come to the same level, the chin continuing to be tucked slightly to guard the throat. His hackles remained raised, his ears had not moved from their position pressed against his head and his eyes were still narrowed and locked onto his opponent as the Destruction went from... a bow (what the hell? he snarled to himself) to a stiff legged rise back to his full height.

Hati was nothing if not tenacious. The instant his balance had adjusted to his new position he shifted his weight once more to his hindquarters and attempted to rear up, to pull his forelegs to his chest... as he did narrowly missing having his left leg swiped out from under him. He was not so lucky as to escape Bass' jaws, but in his elevated position the bite struck midway down on the front of his neck, the loose ruff of skin and fat and fur there catching the brunt of the blow, but teeth still sunk in a fair amount to leave moderate puncture wounds in the meat of his neck. It did not matter in Hati's one track mind. Determinedly he rotated his right shoulder forward once again and, once again, sought to bring the front blade of the shoulder smashing down on the same spot, where Bass' left shoulder and neck met, seeking to further batter the tendons in the hopes of disabling the leg for the rest of the fight. He paid no heed to the grip Bass had obtained on him, only in as far as it would drive Bass' teeth in further but could also very well contort alpha's head at an unnatural angle. The hellhound shuddered in both disgust and anticipation at the thought of the white male's neck snapping like a dry stick.

This time even as he sought to repeat one attack, he did not seek to have a complete repeat performance. Instead as he sought to bring his head over Bass' again he would also attempt to latch his fangs around the base of Bass' skull, where the head met the spine with Hati's lower jaw on Bass' left and his upper on Bass' right, in the hopes of squeezing down on the small vertebrae there and causing pain excruciating enough to make the pup just give up now. Though he wouldn't say no to a bit more blood and violence yet in this match...


Round: 2/3

Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
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