


01-27-2015, 10:09 PM

Bellona was rather inexperienced with wolves that weren't her family, but Revenge seemed kind enough. Gingerly she tested her paw, putting some weight on it. Pain radiated up her leg, but the bleeding had stopped, so she knew that she'd be okay. She smiled slightly, and curiously asked another question in response to his answer. "Healing is interesting. Are you a warrior as well?" She asked with interest. Was she the only one who wanted to do everything. "Can you hunt?" She asked curiously. She had never met a healer. Her sister showed some interest in the plants and things but Bellona couldn't tell the apart enough yet. It was all so strange.

She tried and failed to hide her disappointment as he turned away, but it seemed he rethought his intention to leave. Her ears pricked slightly with interest as he spoke- and she felt herself nod shyly. "Thank you." She whispered, looking up at him, blinking. She was tired of feeling so alone... He had a sister? Cool! He asked if she had siblings, and Bellona nodded. "I have four. Three sisters and a brother. Integra, Sirius, Atriedes, and Narcissa." She listed them off. "They spend all their time playing- and stuff." She said rather dismissively. "What's your sisters name?" She asked curiously. She was eager to steer the conversation away from her siblings- Narcissa was sick, but the others... Bellona couldn't relate to anymore.

Greek Speak -- Bellona Speak