
It sucks to be a grown up


01-27-2015, 11:12 PM

His son was already out and about by the time he returned, his small figure sitting just outside their den. His son would turn to look as he approached, though said nothing as he returned to staring at nothing. He didn't quite understand the boy. He was interested in nothing, rarely had anything to say, basically the total opposite of a regular pup. He would drop the hare, having stopped beside his son. Verdant gaze would rest on his russet face, remaining silent for a moment. Hungry? Spotted haunches would fold beneath him. Cohen made him feel awkward, it seemed as though the boy hated his young life and wanted nothing more than to escape it all. But how could one so young be so upset with life? He had been raised by himself and Ekko, surrounded by unconditional love, and didn't know the hardships they had faced the day he was born, his life had been damn near perfect. Was he naturally so ungrateful for the life they provided? He would keep the frown off his face, trying to rein in his thoughts. He would need to speak to Ekko about this. But already he was growing tired of trying to drag any sort of happiness out of his son.

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