


01-27-2015, 11:34 PM

So happy, so carefree. Hypnos would listen to the she-pup before him, and he couldn't help but smile at how innocent her answer came out. Meeting new wolves, new faces, it was exciting. It could be exciting, but it could also be dangerous. Perhaps the danger too, was a part of the excitement. Hypnos supposed he could relate, in all honesty. Meeting Mystic had been strange, and new, but not necessarily bad. He would find himself relaxing, even smiling as he  decides to, for the first time in his life, play with another around his own age.

A happy puppy howl leaves his jaws and he turns towards her, his tail wagging back and forth as he playfully snaps at her tail, not catching it of course. For tonight, innocence is allowed to take it's course. Tonight they are just children, and the sins of tomorrow are not yet born. He moves carefully on his bad leg, but still pressing it more than it is used to. Hypnos longs to play, to be a normal boy. To be that child that wasn't thrown away by his birth parents. He is able to forget, mostly, all about that deformity, and he moves to tackle Mystic gentle to the ground, his play growl rumbling in his chest.

"Talk" Think

Table by:: Chrono