
A place we've always been


01-28-2015, 12:01 AM
Thank goodness someone was actually paying attention. Shrike would blink at his brother's words, taking a lunge forward just as the serpent went to strike him. A miss, thank heavens. That would have been an interesting story to try and explain to the parents indeed. Shrike grinned sheepishly, rushing over to his brother's side with his tail wagging slowly. Heh heh, oops~ The boy would glance back to the creature that was making it's way through the grass, on it's own way once more, before looking back to Starling. "Good save~" Shrike would praise his brother, tail wagging some. The goal had been to find his brother, and now he had found him! So the fun had to begin!

"So uh, what'cha been up to? We haven't had enough time to hang out." He would flash his teeth at his brother in an innocent smile, as if he hadn't almost gotten himself bitten by his careless actions. He had been fine all alone, nope, no danger at all! It was clear he hadn't paid much mind to the lesson of that incident either. One track mind -- focus on Starling, the one he came to see, and nothing else. As long as no one got hurt, who cared if there was a snake nearly stepped on? Who cared what path was took?

"Hear me talk," 'But read my thoughts!'

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