
Goodness Gracious Great Balls Of Fire


01-28-2015, 02:30 AM

Idiot ball. Akemi resisted the urge to snort at the name, but hey, it was fun, so who really cared what the name was? Grotesque as it was the girl was enjoying herself. It was a shame though, how the world, how horrible it truly was, could warp such innocent beings into monsters. In the end, the world was nothing but a place of chaos, and if you didn't adapt to it you wouldn't survive. The small female would dive to catch the 'ball', eyes shining some. But as her forepaw landed on it Baldur's tone changed. The female would straight up, frowning. The remains of her ears would shift and her single remaining orb focused on him. The news would hit her and she would falter, lowering her paw back to the earth. Mind would start to spin, and a sigh passed her lips.

Her family was leaving... probably to never come back. Her heart said two different things, and the female would let her gaze falter to the ground. No, she had never been close to Loki. Not like she had to Baldur, Hati, or Freyr. But he was her blood. Yet... she could not leave. Damned as all had been here, she found a place for herself. Swallowing her emotions down, Akemi would lift her head.

"I'm sorry Baldur... but I won't be going with you. Those words hurt leaving her maw. She would give a soft whine, shaking her head. "It's not that I don't want to but... there are duties here that I have now. I have a home here too, a man I owe not only my life but the lives of my children too. Hell, even Freyr is indebted to him. The alpha of Secretua has done so much for us... and... apart from that... I don't even know where Freyr and my daughter are right now. Hati and Thor showed up and..." Akemi closed her eye, shaking some.

" even if I wanted to go... I couldn't leave without my daughter. I know their sire was a bastard, but they are my children, not his. They are the best thing that has ever happened to me Baldur... so... I'm sorry... I'm staying here in Alacrtia."

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno