
Wait, what did you say? More puppies!?


06-02-2013, 11:58 PM
Name: Kaz or Kiejer (not sure which one I like better)
  • BUTTFACE: Kaz's alternate name is Buttface, because of how annoying he can be. He's the kind of wolf who never lets you live down something embarrassing, plays too rough, puts spiders in your fur, trips you in front of your crush, or does something bad and blames it on you. He's that annoying sibling that everyone loves to hate. He doesn't adapt well to change and ridicules anything he doesn't understand. He can be a bit of a bully if he comes across someone around his age who he thinks is weird.
  • ATHLETE: Kaz is a hard worker who considers it his entire purpose in life to become a warrior. He trains hard and is extremely competitive, and he's not very humble. Kaz is aware of his physical talents. He's that annoying, meathead jock that teases other smaller wolves because they're not as big and strong as him. Coincidentally, in his teen years, Kaz's nickname crosses over from Buttface to Meathead.
  • RECKLESS: Kaz is a daredevil and very bold, but, unfortunately, that boldness is not matched with intelligence. He's prone to doing stupid things in the name of bravery or manliness, and doesn't have very good leadership skills. If he were to lead an army into battle, he'd probably attack relentlessly until everyone was dead, unless luck was on his side. Then his recklessness would pay off.
Eye color: Gold
Pup Number:
  • MALE: B or D (because B and D are numbers XP)
  • FEMALE: F or G (I'd prefer a female, as then her personality would be a lot more atypical and interesting, as females are not usually testosterone-fueled meatheads. XD)
Allignment: Neutral Good
RP sample:
Kaz ran his tongue over his teeth as he eyed the stump in front of him. Hours ago, his siblings had dared him to jump on top of the stump, and then laughed at him as he barely missed the top, crashed, and tumbled to the ground. They had meant to get him back for being mean to them the other day by humiliating him, but Kaz was not the sort of wolf who could handle humiliation well. Since then, he'd jumped, crashed, and fallen again and again. His legs were sore and bruised, but he didn't care. He would defeat this challenge.

Backing up, Kaz prepared for another jump. His hind legs were like a coiled spring behind him, and his little fuzzy puppy butt wiggled above his head. Taking a deep breath, he surged forward and jumped, his paws making sweet contact with the top of the stump. Frantically, he scrabbled to pull himself up, his hind claws getting a grip on the bark and allowing him to slowly pull himself up on top of the stump. With all four paws finally on the surface of the stump, Kaz threw his head back and let loose a wild puppy howl. Hearing the noise, his siblings scampered over to the stump, their eyes wide with wonder.

"How'd you get up there?" one of his brothers asked. Kaz gave a dramatic laugh and puffed out his chest.
"Never underestimate a warrior!" he shouted, launching himself at the nearest sibling. The puppies scattered as he gave chase, eager to pin down one of his siblings and rub their little muzzle into the snow.

It's done now. :)