
Don't Ask



8 Years
01-28-2015, 04:00 PM

Max would raise an eyebrow to the absence of a returned nod and an ear would flicker at the look he would be given. Callisto's reaction however had been to stiffen until she realized who had just sat beside her. Soon though she would give a small explanation. Starting with the fact that he had informed her that Kassander was now king and ending with the fact that she was here and didn't plan on going any were. That last statement would have made the dark man smile had it not been for the look on the boy king's face. Jeez, the boy acted like Max had been harboring her for months, which he hadn't been doing because it had only been that morning that she had returned.

Before he had gone off to do his pack duty, he had gone to check on Calli's den which had resulted in a conversation. One in which she asked him to bring her to his den so she could retrieve her herbs and he had offered for her to stay with him should she wish too. Apparently mister 'we are now going to help the world' was going to get mad because Maximous had taken the time to help the woman he loved....of course neither of them new that small detail yet. Still Kassander would pelt her with questions such as 'how can I trust you' and a much longer version of 'how dare you leave and then return without my permission.'

During this questioning Max would be holding his tongue and Kassander would be ignoring the dark healer. Though, apparently, he couldn't be ignored forever as he would receive a hard look from the younger man, as if he had no respect for the King of Ebony. So far the healer had been able to hold himself back from any comments that would have gotten him into trouble, but the subject that Kass now brought up was one Maximous himself had sworn not to pry into. One that, quite frankly pissed the man off as he had an idea of what had happened. Blue eyes would turn on the king with the same hard look that he had previously been given. "Kassander." he would warn with a stern and deadly tone, a tone that he had only used once before.

Maximous would answer any questions and do as ordered. He had been loyal to this pack, to Raisa, Katja, Valeriya and now his loyalties lay with the Kassander. He would be loyal to Ebony until Ebony got rid of him, but he would not tolerate that question as she wouldn't even graze the subject with the one wolf she had spent countless hours with. Though his expression would remain hard his tone would change to a much friendlier one. "You can trust her because she didn't leave. You can trust her because she's standing right in front of you and damnit you can trust her because she called you to her.' he would state all the obvious answers to his beginning question before moving on "And she did ask, she just didn't ask you. I found her at her den in the Stone Steppe early this morning and I brought her here to my den to call for you while I went herb hunting and breakfast hunting.' he would not touch what he had already warned about and he would not explain that he was the first wolf to know she had gone missing.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)