
A Whale's Song



06-03-2013, 01:09 AM

Poor Cherokee was just as drenched as she was, but rather than in salt water it was guilt. His pitiful gaze rested upon her soaked form, he apologized and told her she didn't look silly. She couldn't help but smile at his kind words. "It's not your fault! I should have been paying attention to where I was leaping." She smiled. Is there somewhere I can take you to help you dry up? A slight look of sadness fell upon her face as she realized how far she'd have to go to get to Ludicael. "Well.. it's kind of far. You wouldn't know of a place closer than the Lover's Mangrove?" As the words left her lips a shiver of epic proportion raced up her spine. She started shaking involuntarily.
She had been rather comfortable when her fur had been dry. Now it was useless, she could feel the temperature dropping and the wind just cut through her like a knife. Now it was uncomfortable, she could feel her body shaking incredibly. She didn't even realize she had done it until she felt the warmth attempt to return to her. She was pressing herself into cherokee's large body, taking his body heat for her own. She wanted to step away from him, she was sure that it was odd having someone you've just met snuggle up to you. She looked up to him with an apologetic look, "Please don't make me move." She begged him in a soft voice.
She needed to get out of the wind, it was causing her the most problems. Hopefully he had a good place to go, other wise she wasn't sure what she was going to do. Try to get back to the pack and hope she could find a warm place to stay. "I must be out of this wind," She looked longingly at the tree line. "Will you accompany me off the beach?" Her gaze shifted back to look at the ebony wolf.
