
Hi, my name....



01-28-2015, 08:30 PM (This post was last modified: 01-28-2015, 08:31 PM by Viola.)

You brother is the Alpha of this pack. She had been pretty precise in her question as to why the titan before her sported a strikingly different coloration than herself, Aster and Basanti. It didn't make any sense to her. If he really was her brother and Cataleya was his mother, then he should like Cataleya shouldn't he or at least similar? He had the same dots underneath his eyes that her mother, herself and her siblings all had that, but that could be just pure coincidence. It didn't mean that they were related. A deep scowl would mar the girl's features as she glanced up at her mother, not pleased that only one of her questions had been answered. It felt like the silver Queen was dodging her other questions, but she would say nothing, seething quietly as she planned to approach the woman at a later date to explain why the man whom claimed to be her brother looked different.

She would continue to watch the silver woman, waiting to see if the explanation as to why the blue behemoth looked so different but the arrival of more wolves would dash any hope of an explanation. Fiery eyes would abandon the silver Queen's figure to focus on the newcomers. Another adult, this one with a strange purple tint to her coat would arrive, two other pups trailing at her heels. The second woman would saunter up, rubbing herself on the cobalt titan as she addressed the silver Queen, inquiring about Arcanum's well-being. Dark hackles would raise against the girl's spine, ears flattening against her skull, not liking the way that this woman was addressing her mother. Cataleya was a Queen and she was to be addressed as such and the fact that this woman addressed her mother by her name frankly irritated the little wench. And then the woman would turn her sights on Vio, exclaiming how she was an adorable little gem, gaining a snarl and flash of teeth from the youth. She didn't like this bitch. Vio didn't care if she was her supposed brother's wife, she didn't like her and she had absolutely no reason to be nice to her. She was of no concern and no use to her.

Vio had already had it with the first boy that had spoken up, insolent and annoying little bastard with all his stupid questions. But no of course, that couldn't be the end of it. Another pup, this one also boy, decided to pull up beside the massive behemoth, exclaiming that the moon-washed Queen had his eye dots. Before Vio could correct the idiot, what she hoped to be the last and final pup decided to pipe up, correcting the boy as she explained that they were the blue beast's eye dots. But that topic was quickly abandoned as the girl turned towards Vio, asking just exactly who she was. A sneer full of fangs would be directed at the girl, tail lashing behind her as she spoke. Why don't you come over here and I'll show you who I am. She taunted, ready to rip into this girl since she hadn't been able to rip into the first boy on account of his daddy swooping in to save him.

I'm not fat, I'm fluffy, but if I was fat, I'd squish you with my butt until your eyes popped out. She would direct her sneer towards the first boy again, sending him a snarl along with a snapping of her jaws. Try it and see how much of your butt is left afterwards. She would leave no doubt that her threat would be fulfilled if he ever decided to take her up on her offer. Her attention would drift from the insolent brat up to the man whom the Queen said was her brother, storing his name away in her memory bank for later, not bothering to say anything in return to his introduction. Audits would come to stand erect, small chest filling out as her tail curled over her haunches, leveling her nephews and niece with a haughty fiery gaze, silently daring any of them to try and come at her again.


before threading with Vio, please keep in mind that this character is prone to using mature and vulgar language!