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6 Years
01-29-2015, 07:46 AM
Voltage frowned when he saw his sister (though it was rather fake, his eyes shawn with exuberance and after maybe a second his lips couldn't help their upward twitch). With a feigned look of annoyance he tilted his head to Serefina, listening as she demanded her sacrifice. With a toss of his head he huffed but couldn't help the laughter as she touched him, nosing into her neck. There was no negative feelings he could feel that she wouldn't be able to fix in a heartbeat. With a gentle smile he turned to nuzzle her back, silently letting her know that he would do just that, because she was right there. He remained silent though, and still, something that Voltage would have a very hard time doing if his mind wasn't elsewhere.

The brightest of grins spread across his face when he saw his earthly brother, dipping his head in his direction. Terrae wasn't one Voltage had seen much of. It wasn't that he didn’t try, it was more that Voltage just doesn’t seem to cross paths with him very often. Another of his siblings quickly tore his attention away as yet another of his sisters wrapped around him. He felt her tail slip under his chin, and his eyes grew so wide. Was it just him that his sisters were overly affectionate with? "Heh..heh...selini.." He laughed softly, stepping back just slightly and grinning at her. "Shouldnt you buy me dinner first?" He said with a small laugh, knowing it was just a tease to get a rise out of Serefina. "Now now ladies, aren’t fair maidens supposed to be polite to one another?"

Clearing his throat he looked around, spotting Arcus and Solaris off to the side. With a small smile he shifted his head to the side, hoping itd be a sign for them to introduce themselves to the family and maybe get to know the other siblings some more. Movement caught his attention and he quickly looked up to see his beloved water sister shuffling into the group, sitting off to the side a bit, silent as the rest of the siblings. With the brightest of grins he leapt towards her, moving to circle around her and curl his bright form about his sister gently. "Locha my darling, it is so great to see you!" He said with the brightest of smiles, moving to press kissing along her cheek. He wasn’t quite aware how she had gotten hurt, but he knew she was, so he was cautious around her still, incase his boundless energy somehow hurt her more.

With a small smile he remained where he was, curled about Locha if she would let him. "Since it seems everyone is here, we have to discuss living arrangements. With the newest in our band of misfits, it seems we’ve...exceeded our allotted living space. Glacier, do you have any plans?" He said with an air of professionalism, moving to rest a chin atop his sister’s head.

"Burn Baby Burn"