
Is There Anywhere Left To Go But Down?



3 Years
01-29-2015, 10:15 AM
"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

His parents! Oh what a small world this was. Svetlana would remain relaxed, happier that their conversation could switch to something lighter. "Your parents were in Ebony, once upon a time. A Lord and Lady, high ranks, under my mother Raisa's rule. I never got the chance to interact with them personally, but I know my mother would have had to trust them to give such ranks within her pack." Svet would explain in a soft tone. The femme would give a soft flick of her tail. "They took their leave I think. It might have been while I was trapped in Olympus... I'm not sure. I haven't really heard tale of anyone out of Ebony since then other than my mom herself."

Svetlana would allow her gaze to drift into the distance, he mind starting to wander. "It's really strange... how time just marches on. Leaving us all behind if we're not ready to move with it." Though there was a somber tone in her voice, she was not as bothered by the fact as she had been before. She was about to speak again when, gods above, trouble came.

"What is male doing to Svet!?!" Like a shot fired from a cannon, out from behind a rock came the mix of gray fur, sharp gray eyes glaring at Leo with a cold intensity. Svetlana would breathe a sigh of relief, a chuckle leaving her as well. "Leo, this is Korrin. Korrin, this is Leo. Now stop glaring and say hello." The polar fox let out a huff, coming to Svetlana's side, though she hardly stopped glaring at the young man. "Korrin supposes Korrin will put up with Leo for Svet's sake... Hello." The faded version of Raisa would lift her gaze back to the young man. Korrin was an acquired taste.. and she was curious exactly how he would take her.

Table by:: Shelby
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]