
A Whale's Song


06-03-2013, 02:21 AM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2013, 10:43 PM by Cherokee.)

They had only known each other for barely a few hours and here they were, practically cuddled together in the middle of the beach. Had a third party spotted them from afar, they would?ve assume the pair to be together and simply enjoying each other?s company, but the reality was far from that. In all honesty, they were in this situation because of Cherokee. Had he not approached Song, simply left her to her own devices, she would?ve been nice and dry, free of the worry of catching some kind of cold out in this freezing weather. Then again, he really didn?t regret approaching her. She was quite the company if he said so himself.

Had he spoke it out loud it might have sounded weird, but he couldn?t help admitting to himself that he rather enjoyed the situation that he was in right now. He felt very right being in the protector role for Song, protecting her from the elements with his sizeable mass. He felt useful, and somewhat important at the moment. And having her body pressed this close to his wasn?t too bad either. Despite being pressed up against his warm body, he could still feel the shivers racking her frame. They needed to get out of this wind and they needed to get out now.

His ivory jade and steeled gems glanced down to the ivory maiden as she tilted her head towards the treeline, signaling for him to make the dash. The moment her body sprung forward the onyx brute was right at her side, trying to stick as closer to her as possible without bumping her. If he could?ve cloned himself to put another of him on her other side to better ward of the wind he could?ve, but since he couldn?t, he attempted to keep as close to her as possible as they ran to the tree line. Cherokee allowed her to reach the line first, slowing down just a bit as he crossed the tree line as well. Unsure whether she was warmer or not but thinking constant body warmth wasn?t a bad thing, the large knight put his body right up against hers, allowing the heat caused by the exertion to seep into her, hopefully continuing to warm her up.

Shall we continue on? I?m sure there?s good shelter somewhere close by. he glanced down at her, keeping his body pressed to hers, before glancing up to their surroundings, gaze flickering across the foliage, trying to locate a suitable shelter.

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