
Eve Needs Plots



7 Years
01-29-2015, 02:06 PM


2 years - taken - joining Ludi

Ama is open for some friends and such, she is married to Athena and her boys are as much Amalia's as well. She is a sweet and innocent woman, but she is not afraid to fight for her family if she needs too. It is unlikely for her to ever have enemies, at least not in her thinking of their being any. She is a healer and is studying about pups and how to cure ailments they have before they leave the womb.



puppy - too young for love - loner atm

This boy is quite the little shit. He's rude and gets himself into a lot of trouble because he always seems to be angry at everything. Some friends would be good for him, also maybe a little puppy spat. Its kinda hard with him at the moment since there is a fight going on for him to be claimed, but any threads can be liquid timed before that.



puppy - too young for love - loner atm

She will be a year next season, although she acts a bit younger because she was torn away from her family when a river swept her away. She is not afraid of water because of it, and still can't pronounce the letter T. She loves everyone though, and has no reserve for strangers. She will bound right up to them and just chat away without a care in the world. I don't see her making enemies, although maybe someone can get mad at her for just walking right up to them with no qualms?



puppy - too young for love - loner atm

Cohen is... interesting to say the least. He doesn't think that he is important so he kind of says whatever comes to mind. He has no filter and just talks. That makes him come off as a bit rude, but the young boy seems to be rather devoid of emotions. Shrugging is his favorite action and he often just sits by his parents den or wander away. He doesn't usually go too far from the Weeping Woods though.



6 years - open for love - loner atm

Because of his past he has pushed himself into a state of mind that he was last happy in, which was being a pup. So he may look older, but very much acts like a child. He likes to play and explore, and speaks a lot of languages that he spews without knowing it. I don't see him making enemies but tons of friends.



1 year - open for love - Imperium

She's my little warrior, and wants to work very hard to prove herself an able body, as well as making herself a stronger wolf. She doesn't go out of her way to pick fights, but will defend her pack with her life. Perhaps spars? Friends would be good too, as Revenge seems to be the only one left who is close to her. She is also discovering that boys are fun to look at and is working on her flirting skills, although its quite funny watching her flirt, cause she doesn't quite get it yet.


Wolves closed for plots:
Bass, Fendar, Finch, Ekko, Othello, and Serefina. If you still want a thread with these guys though just ask, and you can also remind me about their threads below if I have seem to have forgotten it.